GMT Micro Precision Technology Ltd

We Make China Sourcing EASY

No experience needed as GMT will handle everything for you


GMT Company is a leading China sourcing agent dedicated to providing comprehensive procurement and supply chain management solutions for enterprises involved in sourcing consumer electronic products, home appliances, e-mobility products, micro precision molds/tools, precision CNC machinery parts, jigs, fixtures, and automation equipment from China. We can assist our customers in finding high-quality products at the best prices.

Our range of services encompasses:

aimed at assisting enterprises in cost reduction, efficiency enhancement, and supply chain optimization. With a team of seasoned professionals possessing extensive industry experience and expertise, GMT Company offers tailored services that cater to the specific needs of enterprises worldwide. We prioritize customer satisfaction by emphasizing quality and fostering collaboration and communication with our clients. Continuously striving to meet customer requirements and feedback, we consistently refine and optimize our services to provide an enhanced experience for our valued clientele. The ultimate objective of GMT Company is to become the preferred China sourcing agent in enterprise procurement and supply chain management. Through our professional services and unwavering……


supplier verification
request for quote
price negotiation
cost evaluation

product prototyping
sample preparation
Production follow-up
quality check

Order verification
Order processing
Order tracking
Order fulfillment and settlement

sample inspection
in-process inspection
pre-shipment inspection
container loading inspection


Factory audit for e-bike supplier

We did a factory audit to our new E-bike supplier, Heybike. This is a good E-bike supplier. As we can see, this is is a well organized factory equipped with 2 assembly lines and 2 packing line.  The q

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Find suppliers in China online

How to find China suppliers online? Finding Chinese suppliers online involves a combination of research, due diligence, and effective use of online platforms. Here are steps to help you find Chinese s

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